OGZC is on YouTube! For ALL recorded Dharma talks by our teachers, please see the Ocean Gate YouTube Channel.
Tokudo (Novice Priest) Ordination
Rev. Daijaku Kinst discusses the ordination path for a Soto Zen Priest.
Dogen’s Zuimonki
Rev. Daijaku Kinst speaks about the passage from Dogen’s ShoboGenzo Zuimonki that the sangha studied this past week, emphasizing the teaching that our behavior tells us who we are.
The Four Noble Truths
In this talk about the Four Noble Truths, the foundational teaching of the Buddha, Rev. Shinshu Roberts encourages us to look closely at our minds, our suffering and how we practice with both.
Listening with the sangha and discussing the lyrics of Stevie Nick’s evocative 1974 song, “Landslide”, Rev Shinshu Roberts weaves in teachings from Dogen in this reflection about how we engage with transitions and transform our lives.
Old Age, Sickness and Death
Rev. Shinshu Roberts discusses the teachings and the practice of being ill – addressing the suffering of old age, sickness and death.
There is no audio file. Here is the link to the YouTube Video:
What is the Zendo?
Rev. Daijaku Kinst discusses two of Eihei Dogen’s Dharma Hall Discourses (from the Eihei Koroku) to highlight that entering the zendo is an environment that supports realization, a place where our grasping self can come undone.
Dōgen’s Zuimonki
Rev. Shinshu Roberts discusses Dōgen’s Zuimonki 1-13. In this Soto Zen teaching, Dōgen encourages us to go beyond our discriminative thinking and Shinshu expresses how this practice helps cultivate gratitude for that which we don’t understand.
Family Recipes
Rev. Daijaku Kinst uses the analogy of “family recipes” to help us consider how our practice nourishes and sustains us.
Rev. Gyokei Yokoyama
Please join Rev. Gyokei Yokoyama. Secretary of Soto Zen Buddhist North America as he addresses Ocean Gate Zen Center while he gives a series of talks at various Zen Centers to recognize the 100th Anniversary of Soto Zen Buddhism in North America. These talks are an opportunity for all of us to strengthen our connections and friendship between the Japanese Soto school and Soto Zen in the United States. Rev. Yokoyama will share his perspective gained from his duties as a former abbot of a rural community temple in Japan, a minister of a Japanese-American Buddhist Church in Los Angeles, as well as his board positions with the Association of Zen Buddhists and the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. From this unique position of having been a Soto Zen minister and teacher in both Japan and the United States he will discuss and explore with us religious pluralist within Soto Zen traditions.
In this lecture, Rev. Shinshu Roberts discusses Dōgen’s fascicle, Gyōji (Sustained Practice), in which he teaches that unsurpassed sustained practice is the way, encouraging us to respond to the totality of what surrounds us.