Our Teachers:
For ALL recorded Dharma talks by our teachers, please see the Ocean Gate YouTube Channel at this link:
(the YouTube tab on this website will no longer be updated weekly as all talks can be found at this link)
(a password now must be entered)
Zoom Meeting ID: 275 740 1596
Password: Dogen4all
9:00AM Zazen/Meditation 9:35AM Dharma Talk
Everyone is Welcome to participate.
If you are new to OGZC and have questions, please email: info@oceangatezen.org
Upcoming Schedule
Mar 22nd Regular Saturday Program and Zendo cleaning
Mar 29thRegular Saturday Program and Sutra copying
April 5th Regular Saturday Program
April 8th Sojun Roshi Monthly Memorial
April 12th Half Day sitting, includes Regular Saturday Program and Bodhisattva Ceremony
April 13th First of 6 Tuesdays, 6p-7:30pm, Buddha Writes**
April 19th Regular Saturday Program and Sutra copying
April 26th Regular Saturday Program and Zendo cleaning
May 3rd Regular Saturday Program
May 8th Sojun Roshi Monthly Memorial
May 10th Regular Saturday Program and Sutra copying May 17th
May 17th Full Day sitting, includes Regular Saturday Program
May 24th Regular Saturday Program and Zendo cleaning
*There will be a 6-week series on Mondays, starting Monday Feb 24th, discussing the 10 Grave Precepts in Buddhism, facilitated by OGZC students, Patty, Peg, Elis and Sue W. This group will be using Tenshin Reb Anderson's book, "Being Upright".
**This is a 6-weeks series, starting Tuesday April 13, that will include meditation and writing on Buddhist themed prompts. This is a class for writers and people who have decided they can't write. This is a class for Buddhist practitioners and for those adherents to other faiths or none at all. This writing group is facilitated by Rev. Shijun.